Welcome to the enchanting world of Madagascar, a land renowned for more than just animated tales. Nestled in the African continent, Madagascar holds a unique identity with the majority of its population tracing their roots back to seafarers from Borneo. From the vibrant capital, Antananarivo, our motorbike adventure unfolds.
Embark on an exhilarating journey to discover the diverse landscapes, from the lush parks of Tsingy and Isalo to off-road stretches along the captivating west coast. Marvel at the striking contrasts between the humid mountain regions and the arid lowlands. Experience the thrill of riding Honda XR250cc motorcycles through adventurous routes, including a boat trip to encounter whales and navigate the mesmerizing Tsiribhina gorge.
This tour promises an immersive exploration of Madagascar's varied terrains—transcending from deserted lowlands to the breathtaking beauty of mountainous landscapes. Join us for the Madagascar Baobab tour, where each turn reveals a new chapter in this extraordinary island adventure.